My aim with these Blogs is to pass on simple, easy, tips and hints for improved well-being.  I avoid suggesting anything unpleasant or prohibitively expensive as I prefer the bang-for your-buck  interventions;  the ones that under-promise and over-deliver!

Good Health shouldn’t  have to be an expensive or elusive quest.  I don’t post too often either as excessive advice is just as annoying as not having enough information; there are only so many hours in a day to get everything done.

Importance of looking after your health in the new 'Corona Virus' world

Corona virus is part of a family of respiratory viruses that include the Common Cold.  For the overwhelming majority of people it will present as […]

Chill Out

This blog is probably for the more hardy/stoic wellness  aficionado,  but has some simple ideas that can be incorporated into our day without much fuss. […]

Gut instinct

“If you’re healthy on the inside, you’ll be healthy on the outside!!   As the title implies, this is blog is about gut health. But […]

Treating stubborn injuries with Acupuncture

Greetings all from Dr. Joshua Brohier care of South Melbourne Osteopathic Clinic in (currently) sunny Middle Park! One of the treatment tools I get tremendous […]
nutrient for our wellbeing

Just Breathe

  If we had to nominate the most important nutrient for our wellbeing it would uncontestably be oxygen.  No other nutrient is anywhere near as  […]

Natural Management Techniques for Muscle & Joint Pain

  In my clinical practice clients often seek my opinion on how to relieve joint and muscle pain in a natural drug free way. One […]

Natural Immune Boosters

With autumn well underway now is the time to give you immunity a boost before the cold and flu season hits. I find a natural […]

Walking towards a Healthier Brain

There is good evidence to suggest that walking is a useful tool in helping to stave off cognitive decline as we age; and this does […]

Turmeric, the spice of life!

Turmeric is, probably, the most clinically researched spice.   Its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are very well documented, both as food and nutraceutical (supplement).  Turmeric is certainly […]

Good news .....Stiff and sore is not inevitable

;Hi there! Stiff and Sore .. Check out this five minute Youtube presentation by the very entertaining Dr Gill Hedley;  its an excellent encouragement to […]

Time to Make a Stand - it's NEAT!

Ah, a new acronym; NEAT: non-exercise activity thermogenesis (thermogenesis means “to burn calories thus creating heat”) But what does it mean?? NEAT was coined Dr. James Levine, a […]

If you have Arthritis then Boron Is not Boring!

The wear ‘n tear condition, Osteoarthritis (OA), is very prevalent in Australia – this is not a news flash to you I’m sure! Anti-inflammatory drugs […]

The life saving benefits of donating blood (and it's not what you may think!)

The life you save through donating blood might be your own! Research reveals an 88% reduction in risk of heart-attack for those who donate blood! […]


 BALANCE YOUR BODY WORKSHOP Fermented Foods naturally assist the beneficial bacteria in our gut, thus enhancing and supporting our digestive, immune, lymphatic and nervous systems. […]

"The Sports Injury"

Sports Injury – South Melbourne Osteopath Clinic Let’s take the pulled hamstring or calf as a pretty typical example of a sports injury and see […]

Osteopathic Clinic in Middle Park - Coconut Oil

Whilst my primary role as an Osteopath in the health profession is the treatment of structural aches and pains, I’m always on the lookout for […]

Middle Park Osteopath

Renowned Middle Park Osteopath Dr Joshua Brohier is a highly qualified, dedicated professional with extensive clinical experience in Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Bowen and Emmett technique.  Josh has […]

“Diabetes is the opposite of good!

This month’s blog is on living a healthy life whilst managing diabetes. The following  link to ABC Online will take you a short interview with […]


“It is universally agreed that exercise is a good thing for both body, and  mind. But, to apply the old adage, too much of anything […]

7 Health Benefits of Chocolate

So we all know that chocolate comes from cocoa beans  (the seeds of the Theobroma cacao tree) but what you may not realise is that […]

Who knew....Coffee's good for you!

Came across these two interesting articles recently published on Medscape regarding the positive impact of coffee drinking on type 2 diabetes and liver health; enjoy! […]


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About Josh

Principle Snr Osteopath, Dr Joshua Brohier a highly qualified, dedicated professional with extensive clinical experience in Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Bowen and Emmett technique. Josh has established […]